What Is Whiplash And Should You Sue The Other Motorist For The Injury?

Law Blog

Car accidents lead to various types of injuries that require months of recovery. In this case, whiplash is a common injury people have to deal with following an accident. It affects the neck tissues and the spinal vertebrae at the back of the neck. You should know that you can get whiplash when your vehicle stops suddenly due to the collision. Since your body is in motion, it jerks forward and backward, which is common when another vehicle rear-ends yours. In most cases, it hurts the soft tissue or the ligaments. Given this, here is everything you should know about whiplash injuries and how to get compensation.

How Can You Tell You Suffered the Injury?

It is best to go to the hospital for an examination after an accident. That said, most people claim they do not have injuries, often because the body goes numb immediately after the initial trauma of the accident. However, you will start feeling the symptoms hours or days after the accident. These include stiffness and pain in the neck, inability to move the neck from one side to another, tenderness, and unusual fatigue. Some people also report numbness and pain that worsens when they move their necks. Hence, you should see the doctor for a diagnosis and let them treat your injuries. In addition, call a lawyer because you might have to sue the other motorist for the whiplash injury. 

How Much Will You Get Paid for It?

You should pursue compensation if you believe the accident resulted from the other motorist's negligence. In this case, a personal injury lawyer can help you manage the whiplash lawsuit. More importantly, they will help you determine fault and assess the extent of the injury. They will also establish your fault in the accident to determine how much compensation to demand. Following this, they will help you pursue compensation depending on your pain and suffering. In some cases, the judge might award punitive damages. 

Is the Process Better With a Lawyer?

Insurance companies often doubt the seriousness of whiplash injuries. Hence, you will have to present the evidence of treatment for such injuries, and your lawyer can help you gather all the required documents. Additionally, they can get you the compensation you deserve if you get a concussion and lose wages from missing work.

The most important thing about dealing with a whiplash injury is to find a competent personal injury lawyer to help you handle the case. With the lawyer's help, you will find it easy to get the compensation you deserve.

Contact a local injury lawyer to learn more. 


10 November 2022

Legal Help: Hiring a Family Attorney

Several years ago. I found myself facing a suit as the result of a traffic accident. Fortunately, a friend knew a great car accident attorney who was willing to take my case. She represented me well and the suit was eventually dismissed. That woke me up to the fact I needed an attorney to call on for other matters. Fortunately, I found a family attorney who could help with everything from creating last wills and testaments to dealing with personal injury cases. Today, I feel prepared to take on any legal issue that could come along. The trick is to choose the right attorney. Keep reading and I'll share how I made decisions that are right for me. Hopefully those same ideas will help you find legal counsel that you can depend on.