Correct Inaccuracies In Your Police Report Before Pursuing A Personal Injury Case

Law Blog

When you are involved in a car accident, one of the first things you will want to do is contact law enforcement so they can secure the scene and write a police report. However, after you obtain a copy of your police report, you might discover that it contains inaccuracies. Since these inaccuracies can have an impact on your case, it is important to make sure that you have the police report corrected.

Why Police Reports are Sometimes Inaccurate

There are several reasons why your police report might be inaccurate. This can include:

  • One or more parties forgetting to include information when interviewed by the officer
  • The officer doesn't understand your recollection of the event
  • The officer simply makes a mistake when filing the police report

When you are involved in a car accident and have suffered injuries, it's a good idea to have a personal injury lawyer help you with all aspects of your case. One way in which a personal injury lawyer can help you is by helping you have changes made to the police report.

How to Correct the Police Report

Changing factual errors in the police report can be relatively easy. For example, if the police report lists the wrong make and model of your car, you can produce the title to your car to show that you have a different make and model. Once you have proven that the factual information is true, the officer will attach an addendum to the police report.

Why You Must Correct the Police Report

When pursuing a personal injury case, accurate information is essential because a personal injury case can only be won after you can prove that the other party was negligent. You must show that you suffered damages as a result of these injuries as well. For example, you must show that:

  • You will have past or future medical expenses
  • You will be unable to work due to your injuries
  • You experienced severe pain and suffering
  • You are no longer able to enjoy activities you once enjoyed

Then, you must calculate the full extent of these damages. While you could have all of these tasks completed on your own, you might find it difficult to know where to start. When you involve a personal injury lawyer in your case, you will be able to focus on your recovery while the lawyer corrects errors on your police report and helps you win your case. To learn more information, reach out to a company such as Jarvis, McArthur & Williams.


10 February 2022

Legal Help: Hiring a Family Attorney

Several years ago. I found myself facing a suit as the result of a traffic accident. Fortunately, a friend knew a great car accident attorney who was willing to take my case. She represented me well and the suit was eventually dismissed. That woke me up to the fact I needed an attorney to call on for other matters. Fortunately, I found a family attorney who could help with everything from creating last wills and testaments to dealing with personal injury cases. Today, I feel prepared to take on any legal issue that could come along. The trick is to choose the right attorney. Keep reading and I'll share how I made decisions that are right for me. Hopefully those same ideas will help you find legal counsel that you can depend on.